Sunday, January 01, 2006

Incarnation strikes retail hub

I ventured into Perth's CBD this morning, on leave from my pulpit and looking for a church service to sneak into. For the first time, I saw the new street decorations, unashamedly and unabashedly telling the story of the Incarnation, from the Annunciation through to the Flight to Egypt. The replicas of medieval paintings enthralled me and I almost didn't make it to the service I was planning to attend. It was probably the unexpected surprise of seeing these large icons dominating Perth's retail hub, now quiet and deserted on the morning of New Year's Day. I guess one could respond with cynicism over crass exploitation of Christian symbols by a commercialism that is almost manic at this time of the year. The vision that appeared to me was of the Celtic cross in the ancient marketplace with one or two monks explaining to the gathered crowd how its symbols and markings tell the greatest story ever told. I also thought how ironic, that in our irreligious society, it is possible to tell this story so clearly under the sponsorship of a city council, while similar exercises are banned under interpretation of separation of church and state laws in more overtly religious cultures, most notably the USA. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

I've never replied to a blog before - time I did so! Dennis I love your vision of the market place and the celtic cross. I must bite however at your comments regarding it being illegal to tell the story in schools (implied). This is not so in Western Australian Government Schools. Children are taught (at the teacher's discretion) Christmas and Easter stories, usually as part of their studies of Society and the Environment. A good teacher will also look the ethnic and religious makeup of her/his makeup of her class and hopefully also teach about Hannukah, and other religious celebrations which are important to those in her class or within the local community. Sensitivity to the needs of children of Jehovas Witness faith or similar is mandated, and they are supplied with other appropriate activities.
Thankfully in Government schools the dreaded Christmas pageant seems to have died a death which was all too slow, though it may well still exist in the cobwebbed halls of some of the private schools.
I'm looking forward to seeing the city's street decorations, though I confess to being a bit of a party pooper when it comes to houses in twinkly lights

Wondering Pilgrim said...

Ummmm... never meant to imply such 'cos, as a teacher of special religious ed in the state system, I can agree that the opposite is the case. In fact nowhere in Oz am I aware of it being illegal to tell the story (contrary to what some scaremongers are writing in the papers).I was referring initially to the current debate which is most notable in the USA and in some local jurisdictions in the UK. Enjoy the steet decs - they should be there atleast until Jan 6 (the twelfth day of Christmas)